Week of 6/6/22 - 6/12/22

What Happened this Week:

Erica promoted to General Manager!!!!! hellllllls to the yeahhhhh

Carlyle here in week 2 of Bread intensive, bread teams combined to K st, just Nick/Tyler producing baguette/ciabatta at 91

Lots of movement in the kitchen, training and cross training!

Tori training Dede in CRX (next up, Leslie)

Saturday was Alaska womens run— the course was changed from ending on the parkstrip to being run over around UAA. We were overstaffed.

Naomi is promoted to Counter Lead. We need a counter meeting!! We will start to build an agenda and nail down a date and medium (zoom?)

Dede is promoted to Scheduling, YA-f’n-hoooo!!!

We are all grieving and supporting Max in any way we can.

Whats to Come:

Erin G to be installed as manager at AH. Erica will help her launch the salad program from there utilizing Landly and Gillian for prep and salad assistance. Erica will start to phase out of AH management.

Karen training Lourdes on Brownies?

Next Saturday is Tylers Marathon (also lots of other people, Mayors Marthon, officially and confirmed ending on the parkstrip.)


Sarah/Laurie did fabulous job planting the beds and barrels at AH and the planters at 91. The look gorgeous!

Atta Boy:

Nick is slaying bread down South and also running the oven.

What’s to be improved:


Better communication w Managers about changes and staffing.

If you are overwhelmed with slack messages, please take a moment and remove yourself from channels you do not need to be on.


Further Support Dede as she takes on the schedule and play people tetris with this 74 person staff!

Facility Problems and Solutions:

Cold case at 91 was finally fixed thank you lord jesus (Alaska refridgeration and supply) Slicer still down. Lawrence?

Retarder at K st has humidifier issue, being looked at by ARS

Warm air being blown into K street through air handling system. Charlie and hot Jeff are working on it.

Mixer at AH still broken, more whisks have been ordered and a temporary fix on the large mixer cage is holding for now.