Week of 06/13/22 - 06/19/22

What Happened this Week:

Tyler ran a MARATHON!!! and lived! a college pal of his came to town for the race, so together they huffed 26.2 miles!! wow, congratulations and where are the replacement calories?! time for some cookies and pastries.

Carlyle left this weekend after 2 wks of Bread intensive- bread teams still combined to K st, just Nick/Tyler producing baguette/ciabatta at 91.

Caitlan on oven Sunday… lily in a silo bread position taking care of the leavens sunday pm, monday am/pm and Tuesday am. Lily doing scones Fri/Sat/Sun as we lose Landly and Grace moves to AH to work w Chelsea. Ayze still at K st w lily help 3x/wk, and Leslie still at 91 training Maria and getting support from Beeke.

More training and cross training happening… Mariia training w Leslie in Scones at 91.

Tori still training Dede in CRX. Tori out with covid starting Saturday. Dede on her own for the weekend and this Tuesday. Go Dede!!

Saturday was Mayors Marathon—We were well staffed. Big rush at 11 and it stayed busy til 2ish. 91 and Ah both had huge days as well.

Naomi as Counter Lead. We planned a counter meeting and started to build an agenda. We think all counter people will be asked to join a zoom call on Tuesday 6/28. Naomi thinks 2 or 3 would garner the best participation from our counter staff across all three bakeries. There will be an emphasis on communicating w bakers, HUSTLING, and side work.

Dede is slaying Scheduling, we had multiple call out, no-shows, sleep-ins, covid absences and in general the regular scheduling scramble. It *** might *** be getting better.

Max is still out on Paternity leave and has 4 more weeks of paid leave, but will show up when feels ready.

Whats to Come:

Erin G training as manager at AH. Erica will help her launch the salad program from there w support from Gillian for prep and salad assistance. Erica will start to phase out of AH management.

Accolades: Amazing race by Tyler! Tami and Lily had dog training/ a race that went well! Lina has left the bakery for a 4 weeks internship on dolphins! In scotland?!

Atta Boy: Caitlan, Holley and Gabe have been holding it down with PRIDE, and Holley ordered some great garlands and glasses for the last week of June.

Customer Feedback:

Positive review: “As I have come to expect, the service was great and the cake and cookies were delicious!”

Negative review: “The gentleman who waited on me was much less than polite, almost condescending in attitude. Your staff at the south store is better trained and has better interaction with customers. Too bad they do not have product to sell.”

What’s to be improved:

Supporting Janis as she finishes the K st punch list (plus the stuff being added to it, like the broken down door to the second bathroom.)

Meetings with notice, an agenda, and good time keeping and follow through. Let get a managers meeting, counter meeting, and bakers meetings happening this upcoming week.

Facility Problems and Solutions:

Slicer at 91 is up and running. thank you lawrence. please keep the blades clean. we’ve also asked him to fix the electrical issue AH is experiencing.

Bread retarder at K st has a humidifier issue that is still being looked into., croissant retarder FIXED and replacement buttons for the timer have been ordered.

Warm air issue being addressed at K street** Charlie and hot Jeff are working on it.

Second bathroom door was bashed in when a little girl was locked inside and the locking mechanism, failed. new, less complicated locks are on the way and the door will be repaired asap.

Small mixer at AH has been replaced and the Hobart has been repaired (again, thank you Lawrence).