Week of 6/27/22 - 7/3/22


We started off the week on a somber note, as we stood beside Max at the burial of his three precious triplet boys. Ashley and Eloise held Max’s hands and so many from our company, and their community, surrounded them and shared in their grief and love. 

“Thank you for being there for us. I can’t thank you enough for all the love and support you have given us during all of this. To see everyone from the bakery come and surround us with love has been so amazing. Thank you for making that possible.” -Max 6/28

It is always family first at Fire Island. We surround our teammates and cherished ones with love and good food. Thank you to Sarah M. for helping to coordinate food for the family. There are spots available to bring meals to them we know they would appreciate your kindness and your cookies… or your takeout. A Gofund me is in process, and more details will be included as they are available. 


Alex and Porter have joined the bread team!!! Sorry counter, they bakers now!! But such awesome counter dudes they were - so onto the next chapter they go.  

They will be trained by Lourdes and Molly and will surely have an exciting learning curve ahead of them. We have hired a third dude to the bread team (hello department makeover, but in a great way!) and his name is Ryan. He comes to us from full-time baking, and also for the last 20 years. Helllllll Yeaaaaaa bread team, You got this!!



Guys, We are seriously starting to look more full strength staffing wise! 

I almost don’t wanna say it… but hasn’t everyone has covid recently? We should be good for a while…

Ayze out this weekend, to celebrate Eid al-Adha! The holiday is traditionally spent w friends and family and often involves the exchanging of gifts. Eid al-Adha commemorates the story of the Muslim Prophet Ibrahim’s test of faith when he was commanded by God to sacrifice his son, Ismail. The belief holds that God stayed his hand, sparing the boy and placing a ram in his place. Happy Eid al-Adha! 

Grace will be producing scones this weekend at K st and Leslie at 91. Chelsea will be working longer shifts on sat/sun at AH and we can expo in support scones/muffins. 

What did the support scone say to the muffin…? Laurie, finish this up for me. 

We are selling out of muffins most days and will try to up the numbers.

Still planning the counter meeting, didn’t make it happen this week. Next Tue?

There will be an emphasis on communicating w bakers, HUSTLING, and side work. 

Dede is back and full blown scheduling!! Lets get When I Work to be extremely accurate with availability and preferences!! She is super responsive but needs to know where y’all wanna be and WHEN. 

Price increases are coming to keep pace with increased ingredient and service costs. More to come.

ACCOLADES: Will G ran Mount Marathon and probably crushed it!! Last year he got 6th in the junior race, but this year he was with all dem big dawgs, and had to run up a 3 thousands foot mountain and then roll back down it fast as they can! hope you still walking well Will! great job dude!

Gannon gets a huge high five and TYSM for working the counter, the bread assistant position, Expo extraordinaire and also picking up cleaning shifts since Steven was out with covid (feel better quick Steven!) 

ATTA BOY: Kat is taking on focaccia and already put out some beastly focus!! 

Bread team was hoping someone from savory would step up to the plate and Kat was kindly and creatively topping these Italian flatbreads all weekend!!

Also thank you big time to Holley and Maddie for keeping cakes afloat! We know you guys busted butt to keep those cases looking fresh and full. Erica also got a huge wedding order out the door this weekend!! (Stupid wedding season, enough already…)?


Positive review: “Fantastic new location! Love, love, love! Great service. Plus, I got to see Janis. Win- win!” 

Negative review

“I know that you cannot control customer Covid protocol (it was crowded and I wore the only mask) but I did not appreciate the inability to check out without maintaining any semblance of safe distancing. Alaska is leading the nation in cases per thousand and the current Omicron variant is rampant.”

wow, so true. I wonder if we can provide a separate or slightly removed check out option for those with high protocols. Covid is absolutely rampant right now and no one is clamoring to put on masks, so social distancing is safe practice. 

Questionable review

Laura Glasgo

Hi! We were given this as a present and we just can't seem to figure out what flavor it is. It doesn't say on the box. I think it has botanicals on the top. Please respond soon. Thank you so much!

This review came in on a tuesday and had three mangers fighting over responding to it. Tami was quickest on the draw!! It was a chamomile cake and they loved it and super appreciated the response and kindness.


Lawrence removed the metal in the AH parking lot that is posing a popped-tire risk!

He also installed the oven fan over there so they have two working convention ovens.

Bread retarder at K st has a humidifier issue that is still being looked into, 

croissant retarder not fixed…. replacement buttons for the timer have been ordered.

A new, less complicated lock has been installed on the bathroom doors.


We are reopening this week and reasonably committing to being in operation through July 31st. At this time there are no changes to staffing or production (except those changes to the bread program that took shape over the last couple weeks- a “combined bread team” with Nick/Tyler at 91 primarily producing baguette and ciabatta.) We can tell customers that we will be there through July. 

We have much interest in the space and are proceeding with caution at this time. It appears we will be able to finish strong, but ultimately be out of business there by summers’ end. AGAIN, no baking or counter staff will be let go in this transition. We’re pretty sure no one will even lose hours… this will coincide nicely with all the homies returning to school for the fall. Bye suckers! Study hard! Come back soon!