Week of 7/11/22 - 7/17/22


We started off the week with a Sponge Bob themed company picnic, I never thought I’d type the words. It was so fun, so generous, so funny, so great to see so many fire island faces, and was hosted by Gillian, our in-house Esprit de Cours deputy!!

Another great week at all three shops!! Thank you so much to everyone who worked hard, helped the customers and each other, and made beautiful product. There were some real showstoppers this week. (I mean, the BLT is back BABY!! and we literally make everything on the sandwich from scrap, except maybe growing the pigs ourselves… and its a fire sandwich.

Erica spent the week at the helm! and K street is getting a revamp, with some extra attention to detail and cleanliness. She ain’t with the bullshit.

Erin G as leader-in-charge at Airportheights, and things are looking good! It was a crazy busy week

Price increases happened now two weeks ago and we haven’t felt much more than a shrug from customers. I think everyone has come to expect updated menus. Inflation is a real bitch huh?

We are also transitioning tags to a VINYL tags for everything… it was a pilot project for the past couple weeks, but with clean-up care and training, we’ll be able to look slick and keep current. For now, Theresa, our graphic designer is handling the update, but we hope Sarah can keep us in order in the coming months… since we change at least one item a week, we’ll have to stay agile and capable of in-house printing when needed.


Bread team has a new face this week, Welcome Ryan Fosey! He’ll be training w Caitlin on late bread as well as Alex. Porter continues to train with lourdes and is getting faster and wiser!!

Sweet Tori has continued to train Dede on croissant, and soon she’ll have another superstar to join the pastry team, Leslie! This upcoming week Gabe will train Leslie on bake offs, and then as soon as the 91st bakery closes at the end of this month, Leslie and Dede will be able to produce beaucoup laminated delicacies. YES!


Most people back in place… no new covid that we know of at this time

Grace back this week on scones, and taking on K street for the next couple weeks at least! Ayze will head to AH after wednesday and produce for them through the month of July.


Positive review: “Everyone was super nice and food was delicious! Great start to a Sunday.”

Negative review: Is this location still open, I heard you were closing the Southside store.” … oh wait, thats positive! yay, no negative reviews that I can grab from the email this week!

Questionable review: “Is [your Airport Heights] location still open, I heard you were closing the Southside store.” We’ve gotta message this hard in the upcoming days.


Janis and Jerry have been working tirelessly to keep up in working order. This week alone, they fixed the heating issue at K st, installed new buttons on the croissant retarder and fixed the humidity concern with the bread proofer. Go J2!!


Still closing on July 31st. Gillian, ofc, is planning a good bye potluck on closing day for staff and a few good friends of the bakery. We will stay in production there for a few more weeks, but most of the equipment will come to K street as soon as the downstairs buildout is complete. All mixers, refers, tabletop work surfaces and small wear will head north as we find the perfect place for it at K st.

The buildout is seriously all ready under way. Janis and Rachel have met w design architects, contractors, sub contractors and things are happening swiftly.