Weeks of 7/18/22 - 7/31/22

WHAT HAPPENED THIS WEEK: 7/18/22 to 7/31/22

WE MADE IT!!! We’ve now had our last day at 91 and we’re going out gracefully. The customers are sad, but also really understanding. We posted it on our website, social media, and at the front registers at 91. We also messaged it across the counter at each off the three shops over the past couple weeks. We will work to decommission the whole southside bakeries curb presence so not to confuse people. WE ARE CLOSED FOR GOOD and will sign it as such!! getting the picnic tables and planters moved this week.

Everything (equipment, ingredients, baking staff) is staying at 91 for the time being. Please see the procurement department (more on the later) about getting things from 91 instead of ordering/buying.

K Street had a very busy week, including a surprise jazz show on Saturday. Even though the weather hasn’t been great, we’ve had garbage doors open and outside at K Street is the place to be and be seen.

AH had a great week! Please welcome Erin C to AH keeping us in hearty cake supply!

It was Riley, Beau, Ayze’s last week. Please wish them well!


Kat is training with Lourdes on scones and muffins. Welcome to the scone baking team Kat!

Leslie is starting training on croissant with Tori starting Tue 8/2.

We also have a new baker named Aubry whose starting to learn cookies!! She’s training w Max and Gabe! She will be at 91 for this week at least.


We’re opening next week with some new (or to returning products). Morning Glory muffins, Mozzarella and Pesto Sandwich, cream puffs, macarons, cinnamon rolls, and more to come. (not all at once, but working towards this in the coming weeks)


The flower baskets everywhere are amazing! Thank you Sarah and Laurie!

We are so lucky these ladies have procured, planted, and maintained such a beautiful array of herbs, flowers and CORN!!!! so cool you guys.


Miron biked to Homer in 1 day…1 DAY! OUT OF CONTROL! Amazing Miron!


Positive review: Fire Island has been the highlight of our tip to Anchorage! Great food, excellent and very helpful service and a general quality about everything there!

Negative review:  How the hell can you be out of baguettes at 3 different locations at 2pm in the afternoon. That's absolutely pathetic!


The humidity is fixed for the bread proofer at K. Thank you Lawrence! The croissant proofer now has buttons and very happy croissant makers!

The parking lot at AH got a face lift…a new top coat and seal!