Weeks of 8/1/22-8/7/22

WHAT HAPPENED THIS WEEK: first week of August!!!

First week as a two bakery operation! and oh gosh, didn’t it feel great?!?!

Of course we are still moving and shaking on multiple fronts: moving 91 ingredients, equipment and staff to K st and making sense of it all. We are trying desperately not to move stuff multiple times, and not to overload shelves or people with more than anyone can use/handle.

We simultaneously are doing a built out at Kst. We spent monday and Tuesday of this week moving every though down there and getting ready for Criterion General to come through and take out walls. The construction could take anywhere from 1-3 months… just an estimation but things in general are DELAYED.

We will continue to decommission the whole southside bakeries curb presence. WE ARE CLOSED FOR GOOD and will sign it as such!! We moved all the picnic tables and planters so the outside looks real shut down.

The voicemail has been changed to direct traffic to our other two bakeries.

K Street had another busy week, and so did AH . Even though the weather hasn’t been great, we’ve had garage doors open and outside at K Street is the place to be and be seen. We brought mad metal furniture over from 91 and have at least 40 seats outside. They are often ALL filled.

AH now has 4 picnic tables and some smaller 2 and 4 top tables as well as the front benches. Plenty of outdoor seating at both shops and we will try and maintain this outdoor option for as long as possible.

It was Gannon, Leo, Lauren and Blaines last week. Please wish them well!

This upcoming week is Tyler and Maddie’s last week. Im crying already.


Kat is continuing training with Lourdes on scones and muffins for another week. Then Kat is out for 2 weeks and Lourdes will take on the shift until Kat is back and then Lourdes will be out for travel for 3 weeks. Nice tag in, tag out scufflings! Chelsea and Grace holding it down at AH.

Leslie is continuing training on croissant with Tori for another 2-3 weeks!

We also have a new baker named Aubry whose working on the cookie and packaged goods team!! She’s training w Max and Avery! She’s already made hundreds of chocolate chip and Peanut butter cookies!!

Holly is heading over from 91 to work this week at K st. This will alleviate the need for Expo to be triangulating so much. The oven from 91 was transfer to K and now we will have 4 working convection ovens, Halleluah


This is Tylers last week so every get your best Dad joke ready for the Saturday Sakè and joke sharing celebration, scheduled for the 11:30 bakers meeting…

More equipment and ingredients and packaging will continue to come over from 91 so that we drain that supply and create redundancy at K with double mixers, double refrigerators, and all the packaging that was on the shelves at 91.

Janis is working DEALZ!!!! everything that we won’t be using at K st is going for sale and MOST of it is heading to Hope, Alaska to be a part of the growing Creekbend Restaurant and music venue. We are selling things for new-pricing since you literally can’t order or find a lot of this stuff! We also don’t want to store or sit on much. Use it or Sell it, go get em J$!!!

ACCOLADES: Molly returned from a tour in Lithuania, where due to stupid ass covid, she was able to sing about half of the originally scheduled performances. She was home but for a couple days and is out now on her way to dazzle a Disney Cruise from Miami to the Carrabiean and back again!! Good luck Mols!

ATTA BOY: To all our college kids heading back to school, Go get em and travel safe! We hope to see you fine folks for the holiday season and wish you a great semester!


Positive review:

Bottom line, your bread is delicious. Thank you, glad you are here.

Negative review: Hey Fire Island folks,
No one EVER answers the phone and worse, the downtown locations voice mail is full so I can't leave a message. I want to place a large order for Chocolate Chips cookies for pick-up today...


We got the ovens switched so that K st has 4 working convection ovens.

The major bread fridge next to the oven went out tuesday night and we had a whole buymnch of ruined product. rough way to start the week but we mitigated the damage and are selling what we can.

That fridge is heading to Johhnys (their problem now!) and a working single fridge from 91 was brought over.

There is a lot of product (mostly packaging and ingredients) in the break room downstairs as we work through this renovation. There is green products in the mothers room, outside the conference room and stashed here and there throughout the bakery. We are trying to compile and organize extra supplies so we stop having such a large inventory of the things we can easily order… better for stuff to be on other peoples (Green Prducts/Costco/Linfords) shelves if we can order it frequently.